Rural Blessing Mission India

Daycare Center (Saldhara & Lonsavali)

Most of the parents prefer their children to work with them in the farms during the daytime. Most young kids end up in doing menial tasks in the fields and earn small amounts of money from this.

“My child would earn Rs.20 per day working in the cotton fields, if I send him to school, I would have to in turn spend money on him” – These are some of the typical arguments that the Parents would give when we meet  them.

In order to avoid child labour and encourage Parents to send their children to school we have some programmes for young children. While the parents are away toiling in the fields, these children are provided a place to stay, learn, Play and spend most of the day. Since most of our schools are nearby the Daycare centers, the children are provided with Education free of cost.

We have a support partner who helps us in funding for these children. Our Daycare Projects located at Saldhara and Lonsavali villages is aimed at wholesome development of young Children in the respective villages. While the parents are at work in the fields, the children are provided care during the day. Our teachers look after them and help them with their studies. The children are provided with food, clothes, medicines etc. This initiative has immensely helped Poor communities like the Gonds and the Kolambs. These projects have a good reach amongst the poor communities.